COVID-19 Special

We opened this section in April 2020 to publicize the activities and events of our association and members in relation to COVID-19 and the SARS-CoV-2 virus. 

Travel advice between Japan and Spain

Several members of ACE Japan have shared Links with information for travel between Japan and Spain (always with caution regarding any changes that may arise).

What we are learning about COVID-19. Experiences from Japan and Spain

Yannick Masson
Virus (Corona) – General introduction to SARS-CoV-2, a look at different hypotheses about its origin and jump between species.

Pere Gascon
COVID-19: Scientific, medical and human aspects.

Consolation Saint Gabriel
Dethrone Game, four stages to defeat COVID-19.

Françoise Masson
Field observations, statistics do not tell the whole story.

Jose M. M. Caaveiro
Structure of the spike protein responsible for SARS-CoV-2 binding to human cells.

Fayna Garcia
COVID-19 and autoantibody detection methods.

Sandra Valenciano
Forms of contagion: why does the rate of infection seem to be higher in some countries than in others?

V. Javier Luna
Key social adaptations in Japan, Spain and around the world. The “Spanish Model” of social distancing against COVID-19.

Olga Amengual
Measures against infection, key points of intervention before, during and after infection.

Vicente J. Luna
He shares his research on how Japanese society is adapting to COVID-19.

6 Habit-Changing Ways Japan Is Adapting to COVID-19

Contact: moon AT
See presentation.

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